There were three men that rivaled the bouncers at the door in size and a guy that looked like a DJ who was dwarfed by them both. There was a table set up on the far side of the octagon where I supposed the announcer and judges were. We finally found two empty seats on the end of the row about three rows back from the ring, which was shaped like an octagon with a cage around it. We pushed our way through the crowd a few times.

There were metal folding chairs set up, but there looked to be a lot more people than chairs. “It’s so loud in here,” Zoe said, covering her ears. It was all very underground and secretive. The place was packed though, so there must have been a lot of flyers handed out. This fight was by invitation only, and if you didn’t have a flyer… an original, not a copy, you couldn’t get in. When we got to the door, we had to give the two massive men standing there the flyer that Braxton had left with me. It definitely wasn’t the type of place Zoe or I was used to going to. A few of them looked older, and a little rough around the edges. When we got to the door, we had to stand in a huge line of people. I hoped Braxton would save me if something terrible happened. I told Zoe and she told me that I was getting carried away with my wild imagination. I started having visions of gangster fights and police raids. It was about a forty minute drive, and the neighborhood it led us too was definitely questionable. Zoe got there and we put the directions Braxton had given me into her GPS. I didn’t want to end up with filthy feet. I wore a pair of Converse tennis shoes because I wasn’t sure if an old warehouse had a real floor or if it would be dirt. It was a hot pink color and had the famous symbol in black across the front. This one was being held in an old warehouse outside of town though, and it was hot outside, so I opted for my favorite pair of cutoff Lucky jeans and a famous tank top that I had bought two summers ago, but I loved it. I wasn’t sure what people wore to fights. I quickly sprinted to my room to decide what to wear. And Braxton… watch that pretty face,” I told him with a smile. I was kind of crushing on him though, and for some reason, I wasn’t ready for him to know that yet. I already knew I was going, but I didn’t want him to know.