Forceful, frenzied, violent, and uncompromising, Melchor’s depiction of a town ogling its own destruction is a powder keg that ignites on the first page and sustains its intense, explosive heat until its final sentence. The murder mystery (complete with a mythical locked room in the Witch’s house) is simply a springboard for Melchor to burrow into her characters’ heads: their resentments, secrets, and hidden and not-so-hidden desires. Next is Munra, Luismi’s stepfather, who was also present at the Witch’s house then Norma, a girl who flees her abusive stepfather and ends up briefly settling with Luismi and lastly Brando, who finally reveals the details of the Witch’s death. First is Yesenia, a young woman who despises her addict cousin, Luismi, and one day sees him carrying the Witch from her home with another boy, Brando. Print Word PDF This section contains 1,028 words (approx.

Finished reading this last night before bed, my ninth novel of 2023, after several weeks of purposefully not reading it right before bed, or when I ate, for that matter. Hurricane Season Summary & Study Guide Fernanda Melchor This Study Guide consists of approximately 55 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Hurricane Season. Each chapter is a single, cascading paragraph and follows a different townsperson. Trigger warning: everything under the sun, not that I go into any detail here, I promise. The Witch is a local legend: she provides the women of the town with cures and spells, while for the men she hosts wild, orgiastic parties at her house. The story opens with a group of boys discovering the body of the Witch in a canal. Melchor’s English-language debut is a furious vortex of voices that swirl around a murder in a provincial Mexican town. Arlene Bret Cindy Don Emily Franklin Gert Harold (replaces Harvey) Idalia (replaces Irma) Jose Katia Lee Margot (replaces Maria) Nigel (replaces Nate) Ophelia Philippe Rina Sean Tammy Vince Whitney.