Finally, though it is not a pure Thanos story, get Annihilation.Infinity War: the lesser known sequel to Gauntlet, it's still worth a read.There's a million TPBs out there, just get Infinity Gauntlet deluxe TPB. Infinity Gauntlet: this needs no introduction or explanation.Rebirth of Thanos: the true precursor to the Infinity Gauntlet miniseries, it follows silver surfer, who is awesome as sort of a tour guide regarding Thanos.You can still get it I'm sure, it wasn't a popular launch Marvel books and some others, can't remember the name. There's an Omni from 2019 with these Capt. This is when Marvel Comics was like "we need a darkseid clone" and they jacked his power level up high enough to challenge Captain Marvel, and the rest is history lol. The Thanos War (Cpt Marvel 25-33) - this is Thanos' modern origin and it eschews all the earlier crap.Admittedly I don't know what's in the Omnis you mention, but for reference for all: My recommendations (Chronological order).